Sunday, April 30, 2006


The army has officially set up in Winnipeg to practice for their terrible and unjust missions in Afghanistan. WE MUST RESIST!!

We know from engaging with the masses of Winnipeg's inner city, going door-to-door, talking about the Canadian armed forces and their missions abroad, that there is little support for Operation Charging Bison. WE MUST RESIST!

Over a dozen schools have had organizers volunteer their time to talk with students, and many more have been reached through other means. STUDENTS WALKOUT OF CLASS! WORKERS WALKOUT OF WORK!

History has shown that even if the resistance movement is in a minority in society, that it can positively affect change. We need to do this now more than ever, to try to make as big of a splash as possible. We need to expose Canada's military and oppose the Canadian government for their crimes in Haiti, Afghanistan, and their support for the U.S. led 'war on terror.' WE CANNOT ACCEPT THIS!!

WPRM-Winnipeg encourages people to get out and support both May Day marches, as well as all actions against the military and OCB.

May 1st
Walkout Against war!!
1pm Memorial park - march to St. Boniface
Family friendly - BRING THE NOISE!!! Drums, instruments, banners and MASSIVE RESISTANCE.

6:30pm meet at City Hall - march to U of W for May Day program

Thursday, April 27, 2006


"That which you will not resist and mobilize to stop, you will learn - or be forced - to accept"

Will we accept the oppressing of the world's people, through the armed forces of our government?

Will we accept the 'war on terrorism', being fought in our name, which they say will last for generations to come?

Will we accept the war in Afghanistan, propping up a theocracy clearly not in the interests of the masses? Or the overthrowing of an elected government in Haiti? WILL WE ACCEPT THE ROLE CANADA PLAYS IN THE WORLD?


May 1 - 1pm Meet in Memorial Park.
Bring signs and MASSIVE NOISE for a HIGH ENERGY march to St Boniface.
Bring your drum and join the drum contingent.
FAMILY FRIENDLY - strollers can march together!

The World People's Resistance Movement - Winnipeg is calling for MASSIVE RESISTANCE to meet the armed forces while they train April 30-May 6. We ask people to support all anti-military and anti-imperialist actions planned throughout the week. info for other events can be found at

Saturday, April 22, 2006

¡Apoyar la lucha popular de Nepal!

¡Abajo la monarquía! ¡No a la intervención

—Parar toda ayuda al régimen de Gyanendra!

En las dos últimas semanas un movimiento de una gran amplitud y profundidad ha barrido las ciudades y pueblos de Nepal. Cientos de miles de personas han desafiado los toques de queda (con orden de disparar a matar) del gobierno y a las cachiporras y gases lacrimógenos de la policía, tomándose las calles y exigiendo poner fin a la monarquía feudal. A pesar de los cientos de personas que han sido heridos y encarcelados por la policía —incluyendo al menos seis personas que han sido asesinadas— este movimiento continúa creciendo y extendiéndose e involucra a cada vez más amplios sectores de la sociedad nepalesa. A los obreros, estudiantes, intelectuales, periodistas, médicos y abogados se les están ahora uniendo empleados públicos incluso del aterrorizado Ministerio del Interior que han entrado a las protestas. Todos los observadores están de acuerdo en que el actual movimiento ya ha superado al de 1990 que obligó a la reinstauración de un sistema parlamentario. El logro de esta nueva y masiva oleada de lucha no puede ser menos que poner fin a la monarquía y establecer una república en la que todo el poder político esté verdaderamente en manos del pueblo.

Como era de esperarse, esta grandiosa efusión de sentimiento de las masas contra siglos de opresión feudal y dominación extranjera en Nepal ha lanzado a las clases dominantes allí y a sus padrinos internacionales a un frenesí de maniobras en un esfuerzo por salvar el barco que se hunde. El Rey Gyanendra, el odiado señor feudal, está ahora arrinconado como una rata en el Palacio Real. Está cercado por los que antes eran sus víctimas: aquellos cuya vida y sangre han sido por décadas e incluso siglos la fuente de la enorme riqueza de él y de su familia —así como la de las clases sociales a las que él representa y sirve. Desperados, él y sus compinches están amenazando con implantar la ley marcial. Esperan que derramando aún más la sangre del pueblo e intensificando más su reino de terror puedan mantenerse en el Poder y salvar al “único reino hindú del mundo”.

Los principales sustentadores extranjeros de Gyanendra, muy especialmente EEUU, el Reino Unido e India, están nerviosos. Están hablando abiertamente sobre una posible “caída del gobierno”, de que Nepal se convierta en un “Estado fallido” y están tratando de poner cierta distancia entre ellos y su esbirro real. Por supuesto que lo que ellos en verdad temen no es el surgimiento de un “Estado fallido” en Nepal, que ha sido un Estado fallido durante décadas. La monarquía feudal y el sistema social del que es parte han fallado completamente en proporcionar todo tipo de vida decente a la inmensa mayoría del pueblo de Nepal —uno de los países más pobres del mundo. Lo que las grandes potencias realmente temen es la posibilidad de que a partir de este levantamiento el pueblo nepalés mismo tome el control de poder político a nivel nacional y comience a arrancar completamente de raíz todo el sistema de relaciones sociales feudales y de dominación extranjera que es la causa de su actual miseria. Tal acontecimiento podría servir como un llamado a los más de dos mil millones de personas desesperadamente oprimidas de Asia —y a los oprimidos de todo el mundo.

Este curso de los acontecimientos no es una ociosa fantasía. En agudo contraste con el movimiento de masas de 1990, el actual levantamiento se está dando en el contexto del avance de la lucha revolucionaria que está dirigiendo el Partido Comunista de Nepal (Maoísta) [PCN(M)]. La Guerra Popular que los maoístas iniciaron en 1996 se ha extendido ahora por todo el país y abarca el 80% de su territorio y a la mayor parte de su pueblo. En las bases de apoyo revolucionarias del campo, el pueblo ha comenzado a crear nuevas instituciones que sirven a sus necesidades y a reorganizar la sociedad sobre una base de no explotación con verdadera igualdad entre nacionalidades, castas y géneros. En el curso de 10 años de lucha literalmente millones de personas han pasado a apoyar y aceptar nada menos que el cambio revolucionario de verdad. En particular ahora existe un Ejército Popular de Liberación con siete divisiones y una milicia revolucionaria que se dice está conformada por varios miles más de personas. El pueblo de Nepal tiene ahora un arma con la cual enfrentar eficazmente al asesino Ejército Real que es armado y entrenado por EEUU, India y otras potencies extranjeras y comandado por el rey. Y con el PCN(M) el pueblo cuenta con un liderato que tiene una visión viable de una sociedad completamente diferente y que está dirigiendo conscientemente sus esfuerzos como parte de la lucha mundial por la eliminación del imperialismo. Como históricamente ha sido el caso, estos logros del pueblo han sido tachados como “terrorismo” por los gobiernos imperialistas del mundo. Pero son precisamente estos grandes avances revolucionarios los que han sentado las bases para el actual acuerdo entre los siete partidos parlamentarios y el PCN(M) y han dado por resultado el completo aislamiento político de la monarquía y han puesto el escenario para el actual levantamiento.

Al mismo tiempo y por estas mismas razones, también está creciendo el peligro de una abierta intervención militar extranjera. Las grandes potencias y sus “diplomáticos” están buscando por todos lados alguna forma de descarrilar el movimiento, romper el actual alineamiento de los partidos parlamentarios con la revolución dirigida por los maoístas y de alguna forma salvar la monarquía o al menos a los principales componentes del actual establecimiento. Aunque ya no puedan mantener la monarquía, ellos están decididos a encontrar una forma de aplastar una vez más las aspiraciones del pueblo. Por eso es por lo que junto con la perspectiva de triunfo de la lucha popular también está creciendo la amenaza de intervención militar.

En esta situación, toda la gente de mentalidad progresista en todo el mundo debe ponerse del lado del pueblo de Nepal y su lucha. Tenemos que apoyar, de todas las formas que podamos, su exigencia de poner fin a la monarquía y nosotros mismos tenemos que exigir que se ponga fin inmediatamente a toda forma de ayuda y apoyo extranjeros al régimen de Gyanendra. Tenemos que dejar en claro ahora que cualquier intento de intervención militar enfrentará nuestra decidida y masiva resistencia.

¡De norte a sur, de oriente a occidente, unir las luchas del pueblo!

Comité Provisional de Organización (Europa)

Movimiento de Resistencia Popular Mundial (MRPM)

19 de abril de 2006 Contacto América Latina:
Contactos locales (¡comuníquese, entre en actividad, únase al MRPM!)

Appuyons la lutte populaire au Népal!

À bas la monarchie!
Non à l’ingérence – Cessez toute aide au régime de Gyanendra!

Depuis deux semaines, un mouvement profond et puissant a envahi les villes du Népal. Des centaines de milliers de personnes défient ouvertement les couvre-feux, les ordres de « tirer pour tuer », les matraques et les gaz lacrymogènes, et ont pris la rue pour exiger la fin de la monarchie féodale. Malgré des centaines d’arrestations et de blesséEs aux mains de la police (au moins six personnes ont déjà été assassinées par les forces de l’ordre), le mouvement continue de s’étendre et mobilise des secteurs de plus en plus vastes de la société népalaise. Les fonctionnaires et les employéEs du redouté ministère de l’Intérieur ont désormais rejoint les travailleurs et travailleuses, étudiantEs, intellectuelLEs, journalistes, médecins et avocatEs. L’ensemble des observateurs conviennent que le mouvement actuel a déjà surpassé celui de 1990, qui avait forcé la ré-institution du système parlementaire. Le succès de cette vague de lutte nouvelle et massive exige rien de moins que la fin de la monarchie et l’établissement d’une république dans laquelle le pouvoir politique sera véritablement transféré aux mains du peuple.

Comme il fallait s’y attendre, cet immense soulèvement de masse contre des siècles d’oppression féodale et de domination étrangère au Népal a eu pour effet d’amener les classes dominantes et leurs soutiens internationaux à multiplier les manœuvres dans le but d’empêcher leur bateau de couler. Le roi Gyanendra – le suzerain féodal détesté – est désormais retranché comme un rat dans son palais royal. Il se trouve littéralement encerclé par ses anciennes victimes – celles dont les vies et le sang ont toujours été la source de sa richesse, celle de sa famille et des classes qu’il sert et représente depuis des décennies, voire même des siècles. En signe de désespoir, ses copains et lui menacent maintenant d’instaurer la loi martiale. Ils espèrent qu’en faisant couler encore plus de sang et en intensifiant leur règne de terreur, ils pourront se maintenir au pouvoir et sauver « l’unique royaume hindou au monde ».

Les supporters de Gyanendra à l’étranger, et en particulier les USA, le Royaume-Uni et l’Inde, sont en état de panique. Ils admettent ouvertement la possibilité que le gouvernement s’effondre et que le Népal se transforme en un « État failli » ou « déstructuré »; ils essaient donc de prendre leurs distances avec leur traditionnel homme de main. Naturellement, ce qu’ils craignent, ce n’est pas tant l’apparition d’un « État failli » au Népal. De fait, le Népal est bel et bien un État failli depuis déjà plusieurs décennies. La monarchie féodale et le système social dans lequel elle s’inscrit ont totalement failli à permettre quelque vie décente que ce soit pour la grande majorité du peuple du Népal, qui reste un des pays les plus pauvres de toute la planète. Ce que les grandes puissances craignent par-dessus tout, c’est qu’à travers le soulèvement actuel, le peuple népalais finisse par conquérir le pouvoir politique à l’échelle du pays et qu’il en vienne à déraciner tout le système des rapports sociaux féodaux et de la domination étrangère qui est à la source de la misère qui sévit dans ce pays. Un tel dénouement pourrait servir de tremplin aux deux milliards et quelque d’exploitéEs en Asie, et aux masses opprimées partout dans le monde.

Ce scénario n’a rien d’une vision de l’esprit. Contrairement au mouvement de masse de 1990, le soulèvement actuel a lieu dans le contexte de la progression continuelle de la lutte révolu­tionnaire dirigée par le Parti communiste du Népal (maoïste) [PCN(M)]. La guerre populaire que les maoïstes ont initiée en 1996 se déploie maintenant dans tout le pays et elle englobe 80% du territoire et la majorité de la population du Népal. Dans les bases d’appui révolutionnaires, le peuple a commencé à établir de nouvelles institutions pour répondre à ses besoins et réorganiser la société sur une base de non-exploitation, en assurant une véritable égalité nationale, de caste et de genre. Au cours de ces 10 ans, des millions de personnes en sont venues à appuyer la révolution, et elles n’accepteront rien de moins qu’un véritable changement révolutionnaire. L’Armée populaire de libé­ration possède maintenant sept divisions, et on compte aussi une milice révolutionnaire regroupant des milliers d’autres personnes. Le peuple du Népal est désormais équipé pour parer efficacement l’armée royale meurtrière, armée et entraînée par les USA, l’Inde et les autres puissances étrangères. En outre, la direction du PCN(M) défend une vision d’ensemble cohérente d’une société radicalement différente, et elle agit consciemment dans le cadre de la lutte internationale pour éliminer l’impé­rialisme. Comme ce fut toujours le cas historiquement dans des situations de ce genre, ces réalisations du peuple népalais ont été qualifiées de « terrorisme » par les gouvernements impérialistes. Mais ce sont précisément ces grandes avancées révolutionnaires qui ont jeté les bases à l’entente conclue il y a quelques mois entre les principaux partis parlementaires et le PCN(M), qui a eu pour effet d’isoler complètement la monarchie et de mettre la table au soulèvement actuel.

En même temps – et pour les mêmes raisons – le danger d’une intervention militaire étrangère augmente de jour en jour. Les grandes puissances et leurs « diplomates » s’activent afin de trouver une manière de faire dérailler le mouvement; elles souhaitent en particulier briser l’alliance entre les partis parle­mentaires et la révolution maoïste et sauver la monarchie, autant que possible – ou à tout le moins ses composantes principales. Si la monarchie ne peut plus être maintenue en tant que telle, les grandes puissances sont déterminées à trouver une autre façon d’écraser les aspirations populaires. Voilà pourquoi la menace d’une intervention militaire augmente, au fur et à mesure que la lutte populaire se rapproche de la victoire.

Dans ce contexte, les forces progressistes de partout à travers le monde doivent se tenir du côté de la lutte du peuple du Népal. Nous devons soutenir la revendication de la fin de la monarchie par tous les moyens possibles, et exiger la cessation immédiate de toute aide et de tout soutien au régime de Gyanendra. Il faut affirmer haut et fort et dès maintenant, que nous résisterons de manière déterminée et massive à toute intervention militaire étrangère, quelle qu’elle soit. (19/04/2006)
Nord, Sud, Est, Ouest – Unissons les luttes populaires!

Le Comité d’organisation provisoire (Europe)
Mouvement de résistance populaire mondial
(World People’s Resistance Movement, WPRM)
Contact : WPRM (Europe) :

Friday, April 21, 2006

Exposing the Military…One Door at a Time

The following was submitted to us:

For the past two Sundays I’ve participated in ‘Outreach Sunday,’ going door-to-door to talk to inner city people about Canada’s military. At first I was nervous because I had never done this type of thing before. Would people be receptive? Would anyone be angry and slam a door in my face?

But I had nothing to fear: no doors were slammed in any of our faces.

In fact, most people were friendly and curious about what we had to say. Some expressed support for protesting the military training in our city. Going door-to door gave us the chance to talk with people about the Charging Bison, Afghanistan, and the ‘war on terror,’ and to find out what people think about ‘all that.’

A typical door for my team started off like, “Have you heard about the urban war exercises happening in your neighborhood? What do you think of that?” Several people had heard of it, but most had not, despite the fact that the training is supposed to be happening in the inner city.

We were eager to expose Canada’s military for what it is, an arm of the world imperialist system, acting to protect the interests of a few, over the needs of the many. This is no doubt a difficult view to get across, considering the media cheerleading for Canada’s new combat role. But we were also eager to learn from the masses, from their experiences and world view.

I found myself talking about the media and government fixation with ‘terrorists.’ They say they are fighting the ‘terrorists,’ the Taleban, but at the same time they’ve formed a government with warlords who are like the Taleban, surely no less brutal. I mean, they only weeks ago put on trial someone - for converting to Christianity. And Canada supports this theocracy, the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan.

Clearly, not all the people resisting imperialism in Afghanistan are terrorists – no less than the U.S., who uses torture, commits massacres like Falluja in 2004, and abandons thousands of poor and oppressed people in the wake of Hurricane Katrina. But it sure makes the war easier to sell if the public fears and stereotypes the entire geopolitical region…

Over the two outreach days we distributed several hundred copies of ‘Get on the Bus.” The four page World People’s Resistance Movement-Winnipeg newsletter features articles on Canada’s role in Afghanistan, Haiti, an exposure of Canada’s support for the use of torture, and a front page commentary on undrinkable water on Reserves (and why the Canadian government is not fit to rule.)

Powder Keg of Potential: the Inner City

One thing that is striking is the very multi-national make-up of Winnipeg. There are literally people from every corner of the world! While walking between houses my team met two Somali refugees. They are only staying here until things improve at home, so they supported Canada, they said. I replied that I was born in here, but don’t support Canada!

What I was getting at, and what I feel they understood after we shared our views, is the sort of shame that comes from being from an imperialist country that is oppressing other peoples.

One team told me about how they met some men from the Phillipines hanging out on a corner. The men were very advanced on many levels, they agreed with the team that imperialism is the main enemy facing the people of the world, and they shared some of their experiences of how US imperialism has exploited their home country. But on another level, they held some seriously backward views. For example, they expressed their frustration that their wives in Canada had “too many rights”. It was a real eye-opener for that team to learn about these difficult contradictions present among the masses.

Another Outreach Sunday participant told me of how he approached several Aboriginal and African youth enjoying the day on their front steps. They said they didn’t care about what Canada is doing in Afghanistan or around the world. So the outreach participant asked, ‘well what do you care about? Your neighborhood? The cops? Do the cops treat you well?’ They were able to find some common ground on having been negatively affected, and having problems with, the role of cops in society in oppressing and policing the poor.

Canada is built upon the backs of the most oppressed. This is true around the world – where Canadian owned sweatshops make super-profits for the imperialists. But it is also true at home, where super-exploited immigrant labour holds the economy together, perpetuating racial and economic oppression, and where police can get away with murder and brutality against Aboriginal and immigrant communities.

WPRM realizes where there is oppression, there is resistance. Where there is more oppression, there is more resistance. Winnipeg then can be seen like a powder keg waiting to go off. The desire for a real break with the imperialist system and the misery in perpetuates, is not something that can go unrequited forever.

Doing mass work is the oxygen and lifeblood of any anti-imperialist movement. You get to confront head on the media myths, and learn from the people what they think of the burning issues of today, and what they think of the political line of the anti-imperialist movement. This is the type of community building that needs so desperately to take place. After visiting people in their homes and talking to people in the streets, I’ve come to realize that this is where hope for change begins.

Support the People's Struggle in Nepal!

Support the People's Struggle in Nepal!
Down With the Monarchy!
No Intervention -- Stop All Aid to the Gyanendra Regime!

In the last two weeks a movement of tremendous depth and breath has swept across the cities and towns of Nepal. Hundreds of thousands of people have defied government curfews, shoot-to-kill orders, police batons and tear gas to take to the streets and demand an end to the feudal monarchy. Despite the hundreds who have been injured and jailed by the police - including at least six people who have been outright murdered by them - this movement continues to grow and spread and involve ever widening sections of Nepali society. Workers, students, intellectuals, journalists, doctors and lawyers are now being joined by civil servants and even employees at the dreaded Home Ministry who have enlisted in the protests. All observers agree that the current movement has already outstripped that of 1990 which forced the re-institution of a parliamentary system. The success of this new massive wave of struggle can be nothing less than an end to monarchy and the establishment of a republic in which all political power is truly in the hands of the people.

As is to be expected this great outpouring of mass sentiment against centuries of feudal oppression and foreign domination in Nepal has sent the ruling classes there and their international backers into a flurry of manoeuvring in an effort to save the sinking ship. King Gyanendra, the hated feudal overlord, is now cornered like a rat in the Royal Palace. There he is surrounded by his former victims: those whose lives and blood have for decades and even centuries been the source of his and his family's own great wealth - as well as that of the social classes he represents and serves. Desperate, he and his cronies are threatening to institute martial law. They are hoping that by spilling even more of the people's blood and further intensifying their reign of terror they can hold on to power and save "the world's only Hindu kingdom".

Gyanendra's major foreign supporters, most especially the US, UK and India, are in a tizzy. They are talking openly about a possible "collapse of the government", of Nepal turning into a "failed state" and are seeking to put some distance between themselves and their royal henchman. Of course what they really fear is not the emergence of a "failed state" in Nepal. Nepal has been a failed state for decades. The feudal monarchy and the social system it is a part of has completely failed to provide any kind of a decent live for the vast majority of the people of Nepal - one of the world's poorest countries. What the big powers actually fear is the possibility that out of this upsurge the people of Nepal will themselves take control of nationwide political power and begin to thoroughly uproot the whole system of feudal social relations and foreign domination which are the root cause of their current misery. Such a development could serve as a clarion call to the over two billion desperately exploited people of Asia - and to oppressed people all around the world.

This course of events is no idle daydream. In sharp contrast to the mass movement of 1990 the current upsurge is taking place in the context of the advancing revolutionary struggle being led by the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) [CPN(M)]. The People's War that the Maoists initiated in 1996 has now spread throughout the country and encompasses 80% of Nepal's territory and the majority of its people. In the revolutionary base areas of the countryside the people have begun building up new institutions to serve their needs and to reorganize society on a non-exploiting basis with true equality of nationalities, castes and genders. In the course of 10 years of struggle literally millions of people have come to support and accept nothing less then true revolutionary change. In particular there is now a People's Liberation Army with seven divisions and a revolutionary militia reported to number additional thousands of people. The people of Nepal now have a weapon with which to effectively counter the murderous Royal Army which is armed and trained by the US, India and other foreign powers and commanded by the king. And in the CPN (M) they have a leadership which has a viable vision of an entirely different society and is consciously conducting its efforts as part of the world wide struggle for the elimination of imperialism. As has historically been the case, these achievements by the people have been labelled "terrorism" by the imperialist governments of the world. But it is exactly these great revolutionary advances which have laid the basis for the current understanding between the main parliamentary parties and the CPN (M) and have resulted in the complete political isolation of the monarchy and set the stage for the current uprising.

At the same time and for these very reasons the danger of open foreign military intervention is also growing. The big powers and their "diplomats" are scrambling around seeking some way to derail the movement, split the current alignment of the parliamentary parties with the Maoist-led revolution and somehow save the monarchy or at the least the main components of the current set-up. Even if the monarchy itself can no longer be maintained, they are determined to find a way to once again crush the people's aspirations. That is why along with the prospect of victory for the people's struggle the threat of military intervention is increasing as well.

In this situation, all progressive minded people around the world must stand on the side of the people Nepal and their struggle. We must support their demand for an end to the monarchy in every way we can and we ourselves must demand and immediate end to all forms of foreign aid and support to the Gyanendra regime. We must make clear now that any attempt at military intervention will meet with our determined and massive resistance. (19.4.2006)

North, South, East and West - Unite the People's Struggles!

Provisional Organising Committee (Europe)
World People's Resistance Movement (WPRM)
WWW.WPRM.ORG Contact: WPRM (Europe):

US, UK and All Foreign Occupiers Out of Iraq! No Attack on Iran!

People of the World Unite to Defeat the US-led Imperialist Offensive!

March 20, 2006 marks the 3rd anniversary of the US-led invasion of Iraq. Three years since a great crime was committed; 3 years of non-stop crimes that have cost the lives of over 100,000 people in Iraq and thousands of others around the world: 3 years of lies, deceptions, excuses and open naked terror against the people of Iraq and people all around the planet.

The following words remain as true today as they were two years ago when we first wrote them: In May 2003 US president George W. Bush proclaimed the war in Iraq to be over. In fact it was just beginning. The US- and UK-imperialists along with their allies said their bloody invasion was necessary because of Saddam's weapons of mass destruction. But they found nothing because these weapons did not exist. They said they had come to liberate the Iraqi people. Today they stand exposed as old-style colonial occupiers. Instead of peace, justice and prosperity, the imperialists' occupation has brought death and destruction to the Iraqi people.

The occupiers have stolen the country's wealth through capitalist privatisation. They have installed an admitted CIA collaborator as the "prime minister" of Iraq to act as their new loyal puppet and local henchman - just as they helped install and supported Saddam Hussein for over a decade, before Saddam no longer served their purposes and overnight went from "president" to "criminal tyrant" and "madman". Is it any wonder that the Iraqi people are fighting against the occupation forces with greater and greater determination! The US-imperialists used the attacks of September 11th as an excuse to launch a so-called "war on terrorism". In reality the "war on terror" is nothing less than a worldwide offensive for global hegemony. Who is it that has terrorized the world? Despite the spectacle of their rigged "election" in Afghanistan, are the people there better off today - or are they suffering under the renewed domination of the warlords of yesterday, with women afraid to go out without veils, heroin production massively increased, and repression on the rise throughout the country? Meanwhile, in the Middle East the imperialist-backed Zionist State of Israel has only intensified its vicious oppression of the Palestinians. A huge apartheid wall now surrounds the Palestinians, making them prisoners in their own land where they are subjected to daily attacks with tanks, helicopter gunships and F-16s. In the name of the "war on terror", the US and its allies have sent troops to countries and regions around the entire world. For the first time ever the US has even set up military bases in the oil-rich countries of Central Asia. They have gone into the Philippines to help suppress the revolutionary guerrilla war there.

The US, UK and other countries have multiplied many times over their military assistance and other aid to the reactionary monarchy in Nepal in an effort to help that sinking regime in its fight to suppress the revolutionary People's War there. In Africa and Latin America they seize natural resources and squeeze profits from the masses labour. When their excuse of the "war on terror" won't work as a pretext for their interventions and domination they have a seemingly endless number of other "wars" they use in an effort to conceal their imperialist aims: "war on drugs", "war on AIDS", "war on poverty", "war on illiteracy", almost anything will do, so long as it's a "war". After all as Bush himself repeats so often: "I am a war President." How true this is, and not just of Bush, but of the entire social and economic system that today is ruling over the people of the whole world. Or to put it another way: "Imperialism means war."

This year, on March 20, 2006 hundreds of thousands of people and more, in countries all around the world, will be taking part in protests and demonstrations against the invasion of Iraq, the continuing imperialist occupation there and many other crimes being committed by the imperialists on every continent. The World People's Resistance Movement wholeheartedly supports these protests. We call on people everywhere to join them, work to strengthen and spread them and to unite people of all nationalities, religions, and ethnic backgrounds to fight our common enemy - the world system of imperialism.

Building such unity and struggle is all the more an urgent task as in the last few days and weeks we have seen how the big powers led by the US have purposely created a "crisis" with Iran and are openly threatening a "pre-emptive" attack - perhaps with nuclear weapons. While they are now openly talking about their "right" to spill the blood of thousands of our sisters and brothers in Iran while claiming this act of aggression is "to preserve world peace", they are once again proving to the people of the world, that there is no lie they will not tell and no crime they will not commit. Only the people of the world and our united struggle can stop them. This is a challenge we must accept and a mission we must complete.

North, South, East and West - Unite the People's Struggles!

Provisional Organising Committee (Europe)
World People's Resistance Movement (WPRM)
WWW.WPRM.ORG Contact: WPRM (Europe):