Comrades Gaurav and Kiran released from prison!
We received the following from WPRM Europe
Dear Comrades and Friends,
We have received the following additional information about the release of Comrades Gaurav and Kiran.
According to press reports they were released from theJalpaiguri Central Jail in India at 7.45 pm onThursday (30 Nov.). In addition it is being reportedthat 13 other people who were arrested along with themwere also released. Press reports further state thatthey were met by "jubilant crowd" of "hundreds ofpeople" (Reuters) "shouting 'Down with Nepal'smonarchy'" as they left the jail.
It is being reported that "The West Bengal StateGovernment had Tuesday ordered the local authoritiesto expedite the release. Following the order, policewithdrew the cases filed at three different policestations in Jalpaiguri and Matigarha police station ofSiliguri against them." This once again showing thatthe cases against them were politically motivated fromthe start and not based on any "violation of the law".
After leaving the jail they traveled to Kakarvitta, onthe Nepalese side of the border with India. Accordingto the Hindustan Times, "hundreds of people waited fortheir 'national heroes'" as they arrived in the town.Upon arriving in Kathmandu on Friday they were greetedby CPN(M) Chairman Prachanda at a public gathering andreceived "extended applause" from a crowd of "2,000people" (AFP News) in attendence.
Both comrades have stated their intentions ofreturning to active revolutionary politics and thankedthose who supported them during their period ofimprisonment.
Welcome Back Comrades Gaurav and Kiran!Free All Nepali Political Prisoners Still Held inIndia and China!Imperialists and Reactionaries: Hands Off Nepal!
Dear Comrades and Friends,
We have received the following additional information about the release of Comrades Gaurav and Kiran.
According to press reports they were released from theJalpaiguri Central Jail in India at 7.45 pm onThursday (30 Nov.). In addition it is being reportedthat 13 other people who were arrested along with themwere also released. Press reports further state thatthey were met by "jubilant crowd" of "hundreds ofpeople" (Reuters) "shouting 'Down with Nepal'smonarchy'" as they left the jail.
It is being reported that "The West Bengal StateGovernment had Tuesday ordered the local authoritiesto expedite the release. Following the order, policewithdrew the cases filed at three different policestations in Jalpaiguri and Matigarha police station ofSiliguri against them." This once again showing thatthe cases against them were politically motivated fromthe start and not based on any "violation of the law".
After leaving the jail they traveled to Kakarvitta, onthe Nepalese side of the border with India. Accordingto the Hindustan Times, "hundreds of people waited fortheir 'national heroes'" as they arrived in the town.Upon arriving in Kathmandu on Friday they were greetedby CPN(M) Chairman Prachanda at a public gathering andreceived "extended applause" from a crowd of "2,000people" (AFP News) in attendence.
Both comrades have stated their intentions ofreturning to active revolutionary politics and thankedthose who supported them during their period ofimprisonment.
Welcome Back Comrades Gaurav and Kiran!Free All Nepali Political Prisoners Still Held inIndia and China!Imperialists and Reactionaries: Hands Off Nepal!
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