Help Build The World People's Resistance Movement!
Statement of the Provisional Organizing Committee (Europe)
Today’s, world is more sharply divided than ever before. On the one side are the rulers of the world’s big powers, the reactionary regimes they prop up and support around the world and the governmental apparatus and armed forces they use to maintain their position, impose their will on the people and carry out their unending drive for profit and domination.
On the other side are the vast majority of the world’s people who are subjected to this system -- our common enemy, a system known as imperialism, a system in which:
-- half of the people of the world earn less than 2 US dollars a day
-- every three minutes a woman is raped and women in general are still under the domination of men
-- people are discriminated against, pursued or even killed due to their origin, skin color or religious beliefs
-- war has been declared as a permanent part of the future of humanity
-- the environment and of the natural resources that form the basis of our lives and of those of future generations are destroyed
-- the imperialist occupations of Afghanistan and Iraq are continuing and countries like Iran, Syria and North Korea are being threatened with attack almost daily…
We, the people have come together to rebel against the numerous crimes of this system or even against the system as a whole and to struggle for another world. This struggle itself is international and requires both an internationalist spirit and international organization and unity.The World People’s Resistance Movement was brought into being to help build exactly that kind of political consciousness, unity of action and organization.
The WPRM is a growing movement open to all who genuinely oppose imperialism and support the just struggles of the people. The WPRM provides an international vehicle to promote and facilitate worldwide unity against the common enemy – the capitalist/imperialist system. We are currently organized mainly in Europe and South Asia and are focused today on opposing the imperialist crusade being carried out under the signboard of the “war on terrorism”. In addition the WPRM supports the struggles of the oppressed peoples and nations for liberation and all those fighting against any form of oppression this system brings down on people: workers, peasants, women, youth, students, intellectuals, artists, ethnic and religious minorities, prisoners, etc. We believe that people must never accept a world in which the biggest criminals on earth can burn down whole cities, but the people are forbidden to even light a candle! For this reason any struggle truly aimed against this system, including those where the oppressed and exploited haven taken up arms against the enforcers of the old order, has our unwavering solidarity.
Since its founding, the WPRM has joined with people – both organized and unorganized – in Europe, South Asia and elsewhere [like Canada, Mexico and Colombia] in numerous demonstrations and other forms of resistance to oppose the US-led imperialist war against the world and other acts of aggression. We have vigorously opposed the invasion and occupation of Afghanistan and Iraq and have consistently supported the struggle of the Palestinian people against Zionist occupation and for national self-determination. In particular the WPRM has sought to rally world wide opposition to imperialist intervention aimed against the revolutionary People’s War in Nepal and has been campaigning to secure the release of the leaders of this struggle who are currently imprisoned in Nepal and India.
The WPRM supports the struggle to win the freedom of progressive, anti-imperialist and revolutionary prisoners everywhere.The WPRM does not seek to supplant or compete with any other people’s organization on a national or international level. All those on the same side of the barricades are welcome in the ranks of WPRM. We call on people everywhere to support the WPRM, to contact existing chapters in their areas, help establish new ones where none currently exist and to affiliate their existing organizations with the WPRM.
We say: North, South, East and West: Unite the People’s Struggles!
Provisional Organizing Committee (Europe)World People’s Resistance Movement (WPRM)
WPRM (Europe):
WPRM (Canada):
Today’s, world is more sharply divided than ever before. On the one side are the rulers of the world’s big powers, the reactionary regimes they prop up and support around the world and the governmental apparatus and armed forces they use to maintain their position, impose their will on the people and carry out their unending drive for profit and domination.
On the other side are the vast majority of the world’s people who are subjected to this system -- our common enemy, a system known as imperialism, a system in which:
-- half of the people of the world earn less than 2 US dollars a day
-- every three minutes a woman is raped and women in general are still under the domination of men
-- people are discriminated against, pursued or even killed due to their origin, skin color or religious beliefs
-- war has been declared as a permanent part of the future of humanity
-- the environment and of the natural resources that form the basis of our lives and of those of future generations are destroyed
-- the imperialist occupations of Afghanistan and Iraq are continuing and countries like Iran, Syria and North Korea are being threatened with attack almost daily…
We, the people have come together to rebel against the numerous crimes of this system or even against the system as a whole and to struggle for another world. This struggle itself is international and requires both an internationalist spirit and international organization and unity.The World People’s Resistance Movement was brought into being to help build exactly that kind of political consciousness, unity of action and organization.
The WPRM is a growing movement open to all who genuinely oppose imperialism and support the just struggles of the people. The WPRM provides an international vehicle to promote and facilitate worldwide unity against the common enemy – the capitalist/imperialist system. We are currently organized mainly in Europe and South Asia and are focused today on opposing the imperialist crusade being carried out under the signboard of the “war on terrorism”. In addition the WPRM supports the struggles of the oppressed peoples and nations for liberation and all those fighting against any form of oppression this system brings down on people: workers, peasants, women, youth, students, intellectuals, artists, ethnic and religious minorities, prisoners, etc. We believe that people must never accept a world in which the biggest criminals on earth can burn down whole cities, but the people are forbidden to even light a candle! For this reason any struggle truly aimed against this system, including those where the oppressed and exploited haven taken up arms against the enforcers of the old order, has our unwavering solidarity.
Since its founding, the WPRM has joined with people – both organized and unorganized – in Europe, South Asia and elsewhere [like Canada, Mexico and Colombia] in numerous demonstrations and other forms of resistance to oppose the US-led imperialist war against the world and other acts of aggression. We have vigorously opposed the invasion and occupation of Afghanistan and Iraq and have consistently supported the struggle of the Palestinian people against Zionist occupation and for national self-determination. In particular the WPRM has sought to rally world wide opposition to imperialist intervention aimed against the revolutionary People’s War in Nepal and has been campaigning to secure the release of the leaders of this struggle who are currently imprisoned in Nepal and India.
The WPRM supports the struggle to win the freedom of progressive, anti-imperialist and revolutionary prisoners everywhere.The WPRM does not seek to supplant or compete with any other people’s organization on a national or international level. All those on the same side of the barricades are welcome in the ranks of WPRM. We call on people everywhere to support the WPRM, to contact existing chapters in their areas, help establish new ones where none currently exist and to affiliate their existing organizations with the WPRM.
We say: North, South, East and West: Unite the People’s Struggles!
Provisional Organizing Committee (Europe)World People’s Resistance Movement (WPRM)
WPRM (Europe):
WPRM (Canada):
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