Sunday, May 28, 2006

Lessons from the Struggle in Zine Form - More Arrests and Resistance

As some of you on this list may already know - police arrested, assaulted and beat up cyclists at the critical mass bike ride on friday. what is it that makes riding bikes a threat to the system? Excessive force is only the tip of this political monstrosity. THE PEOPLE WILL FIGHT BACK!

After some brief post-Operation Charging Bison resting days - it is time to intensify the political exposure of Canada - and everything this means for the people around the world - and what it means when you can't even take a peaceable bike ride downtown.

Stay tune for a massive legal aid fundraiser/political exposure night in June in Winnipeg.


OCB ZINE - mini-magazine is almost done! It has been in the works since the last few days of the protests. It will have killer pics and colour layout - maximum political exposure - an eyewitness moment-by-moment account of both the Walkout and the May 3 Critical Mass. It has been compiled by various OCB dissidents, WPRM supporters and allies. The articles will be found soon up at

email us at to reserve a copy and we will find a way to get it to you.

It'll be sold as a fundraiser for 3$ and up - with all proceeds to WPRM-Winnipeg's mass work fund. Resistance isn't cheap - so all donations at this time will be gratefully accepted.

World People's Resistance Movement - Winnipeg
Box 1
Winnipeg, MB
R3C 2G1


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